One of the attractions of the Nile Creek is that it is a "fish" creek. Salmon run up the creek and spawn in the gravel beds and pools a distance up stream from where our home will be. In the not so distant past the Nile was known to local residents as the Pink River, due to the huge numbers of Pink Salmon. Combined with commercial fishing, logging and loss of essential habitat, by 1994, there were no Pinks, few Coho and only some Cutthroat Trout left. A group of concerned residents took it upon themselves to correct the situation and The Nile Creek Enhancement Society was born. NCES has worked long and hard and have been successful in revitalizing the Nile and other area creeks and their efforts has been recognized on a global scale. For more info visit www.nilecreek.org. or view short stories on Utube
Part 1
Part 2
We joined NCES a couple of years ago and look forward to the day when we will be free to volunteer with the planting of kelp, counting of fish and mapping of eelgrass.
The Pinks are currently gathering for their spawning run upstream and can be fished at this time. Roy and I watched fly fishermen trying their luck at the mouth of the Nile, the salmon themselves seen leaping clear out of the water. Seals have also gathered for the feast and frolick and splash not far off-shore. Quite an exhilarating scene. We have decided to take some casting lessons. Mmmm, fresh salmon on the barbie.....

that is a beautiful picture, the sky is so pretty