Our street dead-ends on a vast park-like area with hiking and mountain bike trails that go for miles. Generally the area is densely treed and heavily vegetated with ferns, salmon berry, salal etc . Wild and beautiful. Pics above will give you the idea. Not long ago Roy and I went for an evening walk along one of the trails and eventually turned around to head back. I saw a flash of brown in the bush to the side of the trail ahead and thought "oh, a deer." As more of the animal emerged I realized it was too low and thick to be a deer and thought "no, a big dog." Finally as the animal turned and loped down the path away from us and I saw the tail I realized "not a big dog - a big Cat!" Yes, I've seen my first cougar. It happened so fast that by the time I stuttered "Did you see that?" it was gone. Roy was looking elsewhere and missed it altogether. We have been told of bears and cougars living along the creek but sightings are rare so I feel somewhat privileged. Also though, in future we will try to be a little more aware and prepared when out in the woods. We sure aren't in Pickering anymore.
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