The tree faller arrived today and climbed the bigger trees, limbing them as he climbed. He took them down in measured lengths as we will be milling the cedars and maples on site with a portable saw mill. Kinda cool to use the lumber from the site in the construction of the house. The cedars will be decking or siding, the maples could be interior finishing, cabinets etc. The smaller alder trees were simply pulled down by the excavator - amazing (and horrifying) to watch. They will be used for firewood or chipped up for mulch. Little to no waste - love that!

On our left, the professional tree faller and on our right in fluorescent orange, Roy who has been working with the crew "bucking" tree stumps. He looks pretty official, but the guys were saying something today about painting a bulls-eye on the top of his helmet :-) Hard work, but I think he's enjoying it. From mild mannered bus driver to rough, tough lumber jack? Who knew?
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