We strolled around, playing tourist, taking in the sights and sounds. The sky was full of brilliantly coloured kites of every shape and size, dipping and diving while simply anchored, and unattended.
A couple of bear kites playfully lolled and rolled in the breeze, hovering just above the ground.

The sand sculptures, the works of teams and individuals from Canada and the U.S. were unbelievable! This is the only Canadian event that qualifies winners to advance to the Worlds of Sand Sculpting so competition was fierce. Carved from hard-packed sand and sprayed with a mixture of water and ordinary white glue, some of these works defy gravity. Themes ranged from the whimsical to the frightening and bizarre. We viewed them 3 hours before "times up", so many were still works in progress. Below, detail of some of the entries...

One very large "team" installation called "In a World of Her Own" featured a little girl sitting, surrounded by a make-believe world of castles, dragons and knights on horseback. Amazing!

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