Monday, July 26, 2010

Design Pitfalls

I swore this would never happen to me/us. I was way too smart to fall into the trap. Wrong.
I got caught up in the possibilities and designed a house beyond our financial means. Square footage crept up to 2300, bigger than our house in Pickering and way bigger than 2 people need. Add to that a detached carport and workshop and you have a very short retirement. Hey Marco, do you still have an opening for me there at the Studio?
So, we have gone back to the drawing board and made some adjustments. The house has been downsized to a more reasonable 1900 sq ft., and we will be looking for other ways to keep the costs under control including doing some of the easier work ourselves.
So, they say this is a common dilemma and I shouldn't feel too bad, now is the time to make changes, better now than when the build starts. No consolation. I am disappointed in myself.
The worst of this is the delay caused while we take 2 steps back. We have lost valuable time during the best building months. True, they build all year out here as there is no real snowfall or freeze up. It does rain though here we are hoping for sunny dry weather into the fall. Remind me - isn't this the Pacific Rain Forest?

Notice something different? Blogger has added templates that even a dummy like me can use.
Enjoy the new look of The Nile File.

1 comment:

  1. The possibilities of building that dream home are endless, if you win a lottery. Am happy you caught yourself when you did. We pulled back and thought everything through when we built. What you can't afford now you can get when you renovate a few years. Something to "dream" about.
