Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lumber Barons

The milling of our logs into lumber was completed today. I'm not sure what all we got, but it sure seems like a lot of wood. Cedar siding and decking for sure and some maple for Roy's shop. It took a full 5 days and will have saved us some money. Roy will be kept busy though because all of those deck boards have to be planed and the edges routered (is that a word?). The rough sawn finish is OK for siding but too rough for underfoot. Since Roy doesn't own a planer or a table saw, the money we saved will buy the tools that will help us save more money (he says). I've been on this merri-go-round before -stop, please let me off!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Roy, are you going to build your own kitchen cabinets with your own wood like we did? The feeling of accomplishment is sooo rewarding. Give it a try and want to see pictures!
