Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Collecting our stuff

It was a cold and rainy day in mid-March of last year when Ian and I met the moving van at the storage facility in Coombs and unloaded all of our belongings into a 10x10x10 foot unit. Today, a bright and sunny day 11 months later Ian, Roy and I finally took our stuff home. Two trucks and an SUV, several round trips and it was done - WooHoo!
I shouldn't really be so excited because the "collection" today only represents part of "our stuff". Some remains in our trailer, some in Corky's shed, some at Auntie Jo's, more at Dad's and a great load in Ian's basement. The boxes, bins and few pieces of furniture picked up today went into Roy's shop waiting for the day when we can truly unpack, but at least it's a step in the right direction. Thanks to Ian as always for his help and support.

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