Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bye-Bye Porta-Potty

There are milestones and then there are MILESTONES.
We hit one yesterday when Coast Environmental came and picked up their Porta Potty. This unit has been with us since October and I'm so happy to see it go...

...because it means we have an indoor toilet!

Reasons why we are delayed yet again: the counter tops won't be installed until Thursday this week and the plumbers don't want to come until they can tackle everything at once - sinks and faucets included. We knew the porta-potty was going so we arranged for another plumber to come in to install one toilet and a temporary sink - the ones in the mud room.
Although we have heat in our floors, that too was a temporary fix as the boiler is currently running on electricity. The heating guys have to come back to finish the job so that the heat pump is heating the water for the floors. Our most recent BC Hydro bill is over $600.00. Ouch! Chock it up to lights, power tools and running a heater around the clock. It'll be nice to get that under control.

Our kitchen cabinets and vanities are complete with doors, drawer fronts and hardware and they look great.
Pictures will follow when the counter tops are installed.

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