Thursday, February 3, 2011

Appliances, cabinets, doors and more

We made great progress this week.
Mark and Roy did an excellent job and the pine ceiling and trim are complete. Some of the interior doors were installed (pocket doors and some of the closets) others are on hold as we continue to struggle with the concrete finish on the floors in the bedrooms.
Our refrigerator was brought in through one of the patio doors. Thank goodness for friends with muscle as it is a big heavy beast. It took 5 men (and neighbor dog Brew) to wrestle it into place.

The cabinets have started to go in. In just a day that empty wall has become a kitchen - amazing! Day 2 and the island is in place. Counter tops will delay further progress somewhat as measurements have to be taken and the "tops" fabricated.

The heating guys have come to hook up the radiant floors. They laid out what looked like a plumber's picnic - delicious appetizers, entrees and desserts in mouthwatering flavours of copper, brass and ABS - YUM! The back up boiler and all the accompanying tubes and wires are reminiscent of a mechanical Medusa. When finally up and running, our floors will be warmed by a heat pump, the boiler will be a back-up for those times (very cold temperatures) when a heat pump becomes inefficient. Domestic hot water will be heated by electricity.
Air will be circulated by an HRV (Heat Recovery/ventilation) unit - a series of unobtrusive ventilation fans throughout the house. Air conditioning in summer will be the most energy efficient means available -we will simply open the windows. Our kids will recall this method.

Tomorrow the vanities will go in, showers will be measured for doors and hopefully our remaining floors will be surfaced and sealed. We are tentatively aiming to be moved in by our anniversary - Feb 14th. Fingers crossed.

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