Sunday, November 21, 2010

Friday, November 20

I rented a movie for Roy and I to watch - it's Friday night after all. We watch movies on our 15" computer monitor as we don't have TV in the trailer. So we're watching the movie, it's pitch dark out (and I mean pitch dark - no street lights out here in the country) and we notice this ethereal glow coming through the window... what could it be? SNOW, falling lightly but steadily down, and settling on the ferns and cedars....and staying. Hmmmm, that's not supposed to happen here.

End of our driveway, view down Charlton Drive and detail shots that make me shiver.

It's not an "eastern-style deep freeze" on Saturday morning and only a few inches have accumulated, but folks here get a little "freaked" when dealing with the white stuff, so the guy that was coming to grind our floors cancels and suddenly we're free for the day. We take a run up to Courtenay and I'm back to shooting through the windshield again.

The road at Deep Bay, mountains in the background and pit stop at Buckley Bay for gas.

We have heard that the Weather Forecasters are predicting that this will be the longest and coldest winter in the last 57 years. Where do they get this stuff? Roy and I have even been accused of bringing the cold weather with us from Ontario. All in good fun right?... Right?

The Estuary in Courtenay, the Puntledge River and the mountains of the Comox Valley.

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