Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Abandoning ship..

November 23 2010
The forecast was for cold temperatures overnight last night, so we left the heat on in the trailer and spent the night at Dad's in Courtenay. Unfortunately. the water lines froze up anyway, so this morning when we returned it was to no pump/no water/no toilet. It is late November and thinking we might have made it through to when the house was ready was probably unrealistic.
Luckily for us, we have been blessed with wonderful neighbors. A couple living 3 houses down offered us the use of their guest cabin for as long as we needed it...hopefully no later than early January. We have gratefully accepted and moved a few meagre belongings in tonight.
It's a wonderful log cabin with a wood stove and it is warm and cozy. I feel like I'm dreaming and some evil gnome is yet to come along and pinch me...
More on the cabin and the wonderful people living on Charlton Drive later.
We will do our best to shut down the trailer - it's been fun.
Bye-Bye for now.

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