Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Decision Time

We have enjoyed a wonderful time with our framer/carpenters, a time when most things have been in the plans and pretty predictable. Small issues have been relatively easy to correct and most times common sense has dictated the outcome. The crew have been extremely good to work with, generous with their knowledge and their explanations and patient with answers to stupid questions. Their skill at their trade made everything seem easy. I have been lulled into a false sense of security and well-being, congratulating myself on how well everything has been going ....then WHAM!! It's Decision time!

The Siding guys making short work of our cedar and a detail of the trim around the windows.

Suddenly we're at the mercy of the "other" Trades - the "Siding" guy wants to know how we want to handle the detail of the siding...."no framing around the windows, or 4 or 5 piece framing? how wide is the framing, how thick? Details at the bottom, drip ledges, bug screen, type of rainwall, how many rows of shakes and on and on. All of these decisions have consequences: cost of course, and how the house will ultimately look. Will we be happy with the outcome?
Everyone keeps asking me "what is the look I'm after?" If I tell them "rustic-contemporary west coast beach-house" do you think it will help?

The crazy "wire" wall (a work in progress) and we now have power

Same with the Electrician, stuff you don't think much about - where to place switches? What kind of lighting and where? These may be simple decisions in a traditional home, but it gets complicated in an open concept home with lots of windows and lots of pocket doors. We don't have a lot of walls for switches. Funny, the things you don't anticipate. Lighting has been painful.

Today we had the siding guys & the electricians, the plumbers paid a visit as did the flooring guy.
At one point it seems they all wanted to talk to me and I don't recall what I said to who.
I hope the siding guy is not installing the tub and the flooring guy hanging lights....
And where you ask was Roy? Hiding in the trailer.

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