Thursday, January 21, 2010

trip to Hornby Island

A ferry from Buckley Bay takes Ian, Gord and I to Denman Island and we drive across Denman to a second ferry which takes us to Hornby Island. The trip takes about an hour. It's raining lightly as we make the crossing. Both islands are rugged, mountainous with steep cliffs falling off to rocky beaches. As you dock you marvel at the homes and cottages clinging to the sides of the cliffs. The islands have year-round residents, many of them artisans and in the summer the population swells as lovers of nature arrive to enjoy the scenery, the beaches and parks.
I meet for two hours with our architect. Our plan is coming together nicely and soon we will submit it in our application for Development Permit and we'll be able to get started. WooHoo!
Ian and Gord come back for me and we drive to Helliwell Park for a walk and a picnic lunch overlooking the Straits of Georgia. The sun has come out and it is beautiful. Ian has us searching in the grass for Opuntia - a miniature cactus that is native to Hornby Island. Cactus in Canada? Who knew?

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