Friday, January 15, 2010

hiking in to Comox Lake

We got a break in the weather today so Ian, Gord and I hiked in to Comox Lake. The sun appeared briefly, but it was mostly misty, low cloud, cool and damp. Not complaining. After days of driving rain it was just great to be out walking - period! We enjoyed a picnic lunch (including fresh doughnuts from the bakery in Cumberland) at the "Squeaky Door" cabin. The lake water is very high and icy cold, but what a view! January in BC. If you can wait out the rain - this is the reward!
While we were down at the beach we noticed that run off had created two waterfalls on the other side of the lake. The water was just streaming over the rock face and falling straight down. We climbed a steep and slippery path through ferns and moss-covered boulders, negotiating over and around fallen trees to get a few pictures. Ian and Gord in the middle shot give the waterfall some scale. A relatively small volume of water falling a great distance - Absolutely spectacular! The path wound up and around the rock face and we probably could have climbed to the top, but decided to leave it for another day. Something to look forward to!

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