Sunday, January 17, 2010

Seal Bay Park

We walked down to Seal Bay the other day, but I forgot to take my camera so I'm using "sunny" pictures from a previous trip. Seal Bay is a beautiful park, with well maintained trails that wind down to the beach. Tall trees, ferns, mosses and shrubs line the path. Everyone who walks it should have Ian (semi retired Forester) along because he can tell you everything you ever wanted to know about any plant, tree, fungus, moss, bird or insect.
The beach is a rocky crescent with a view across to the mountains on the mainland. Occasionally, if you search carefully and are very lucky you can find a "flower stone". When the tide is out you can explore tidal pools and see starfish and other creatures trapped by the retreating water. We also usually see herons, eagles and seals. This is the best of a woodland, a beach and a wildlife walk. Even in the rain - who could ask for more?

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