Loving Life in Lighthouse Country
Don't let the picture fool you - I've never looked that good in a bikini...and come to think of it, Roy has never caught a fish that big either, but don't tell him I said that. He's actually too busy to go fishing right now. Ever since he worked with Steve (the Excavator) and Jed (the Arborist), he's been in demand to work in construction, everything from "flag" man, to tree felling, running a tamper and most recently helping to put in a septic field. All great experience, although some of it a little hard on the "old guy" and he comes home pretty tired and dusty. A little dinner and he's done for the night. A month or so ago Roy also joined the Bow Horn Bay (Bowser/Horne Lake/Qualicum Bay) Volunteer Fire Department. Roy is a man of action - give him a hose and let him go put out a fire, but no, sadly, there is studying, tests, training and practises. Fire fighting is not to be taken lightly and luckily, fires in this area are rare. The BHBVFD is very active in community events so we recently helped serve at a pancake breakfast and will join in at many of the upcoming events as well. We are meeting a lot of nice people this way and having a lot of fun. People think retirement is quiet and restful...not sure where that concept originated because we have more things to do than time to do them in. This Thursday we and a group of friends embark on a 4-day hiking adventure to Cape Scott on Vancouver Islands most northern tip - google it for location and more info. More on this when we get back.

I knew uncle roy was a hoser!