Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Trip Home Day 1 - Wawa

Monday June 14th we set out from Cookstown Ontario and headed north. The plan is to make Wawa before dusk when the moose and deer become a danger on the roads. At this time of year the days are long and we arrived as shadows were lengthening around 9:00PM. It was a nice day, puffy clouds, blue skies, and warm enough to be pleasant for an open roof. I love the ruggedness of northern Ontario, with its time-worn pink granite, lone pines, and roaring rivers; a Group of Seven painting around every bend in the road. We couldn't stop every time I wanted to, but we got a few pictures of the big lake they call GitcheeGoomee and of the big goose in Wawa. Roy and I travel well together, lots of chatter and laughs combined with the breathtaking scenery - good for the soul.

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