Thursday, June 24, 2010

More Miscellaneous Stuff

Westerners have a preoccupation with "Squatches" (Sasquatch or Bigfoot) and we saw a number of different tributes to the big hairy man. I have to admit that I much prefer the happy creature perched on the roof of Mugwumps Country Store.

Green roofs are becoming popular in central Canada, but have been common in the west for some time. The clever Westerners have even come up with a way to keep the growth of the rooftop grasses under control. I know he looks "fake" but I saw him move. He actually has a ramp down on the far side and a friend as well. Someone went to a lot of trouble...

Everything is big out here, the trees and the trucks that carry them to the sawmills.
I don't have a lot to say about logging trucks except if you see one - get out of the way!

Talk about everything being big out here - take a look at the garden slugs. The buttercup will give you scale. Nothing I've ever learned about gardening has prepared me to do battle with these behemoths. Guess I won't be walking around bare foot either.
And check out the size of the maple leaves. They don't call it the Big Leaf Maple for nothing.

And last but not least...when does a Tim's not look like a Tim's? When it is in Osoyoos!

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