Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pacific Homes Smart Walls

Back in January Ian and I attended a home show in Comox. It was there that I first learned about Pacific Homes and began to educate myself about today's prefab wall and truss systems. There are many reasons to choose prefabrication, some of which are: higher quality lumber, precision cutting and assembly in a manufacturing environment, less waste , shorter on-site construction time and less labor. For more info visit:
Roy and I decided this was the way to go and last week we toured Pacific Homes manufacturing facility in Cobble Hill. The first thing we say was this flatbed trailer loaded up with our walls - ready for delivery on Tuesday. The trusses will come the following week and with luck we will be in lock-up by early November. Non too soon either - it's getting damp and chilly in our little trailer as the weather starts to deteriorate. If the monsoons can only hold off a couple more weeks...

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