Thursday, October 28, 2010


Roy was formally "inducted" into the Bow Horn Bay Volunteer Fire Dept on Monday (with a 3 other new recruits) and received his pager. On Wednesday at 7:00 he got his first call - a chimney fire. Most people in this very rural community heat their homes with wood in some way - fully or as a supplement to electric. Chimney fires are caused by a build up of resin in the chimney and account for many of the Fire Dept calls throughout the winter months.
So Roy hopped in the car and rushed down to the firehall where he met up with the other volunteers. They got their gear and supplies, took two trucks and were off. As he told me later (making the whole thing sound like a non-event) by the time they arrived, the fire was sputtering and almost already out, but Roy and Jesse climbed up on the roof and dropped the fire retardant bomb down the chimney per the procedure. By 8:00 he was home again. Just another day in the life...

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