Saturday, September 11, 2010

Pouring the Foundation

It's been a busy few weeks. The crew came and built the forms for the footings and by mid week the cement trucks and the big pumper came and poured the cement. The crew came back on Tuesday with the forms for the foundation walls and spent a couple of days putting them up, reinforcing with re-bar. Then we called all the trades to do their knock-outs, so electrical, septic and plumbing spacers were placed in the forms to leave "holes" in the cement for those services to pass through at a later date.

Top and above left: the footings being poured and the final product. Above right and below: the foundation walls, the pumper truck and the foundation walls with forms removed.

The cement footings and walls will need to cure for a week now, so we will have time to do some other jobs; paint our fascia boards (before they go up) and paint foundation coating on the walls, so we're hoping for some nice dry, sunny weather. Next steps will be back filling and tamping more engineered dirt into and around the foundation. Not exciting, but it is progress at last.

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