Thursday, March 3, 2011

The End of the Rainbow..

No, I'm not talking about life with Roy here on the Nile Creek.....although it's pretty close :-)
Did you ever wonder where the rainbow actually ended? Well now I have photographic proof that the rainbow ends in Qualicum Bay.

We have had the weirdest weather lately, rain in torrents, sleet, snow and high winds and then the clouds thin, the sun comes out and rainbows appear. Five minutes later it's raining again. And the weather is very local here - snowing in Fanny Bay, but not in Deep Bay a few miles south. I guess it's true what they say "if you don't like the weather just wait for 15 minutes".
The snow we had melted with the rain yesterday, but the high winds knocked out the power for about 4 hours - another regular occurrence here and good reason to have a generator.
We took a break from unpacking to run down to the ocean and check the surf. We can hear it when the winds are high, but the tide was low so it wasn't throwing debris on the highway or slapping at the seaside homes. Ho-hum, a day at the beach.

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