Thursday, January 27, 2011

Time Stands Still

Have you ever had those dreams (or nightmares) where you are trying to run and it's like your feet are stuck in some thick and sticky substance? No matter how you struggle, you just can't get out, can't make any progress....? That's where we are right now. It seems like we have been 2 weeks from moving in for months. Another week has passed and we're still installing the ceiling and finishing the bedroom floors.

I think we are just so anxious to get moved in that we have lost all sense of how long things take.
Ahead, we still have cabinets, plumbing, heating and finish electrical....
After almost a year of having our things in storage - we have forgotten what we packed and brought with us last February. We do know that when we move in, we will not have anything to sit on except some zero gravity patio chairs from CTC. We've recently purchased two mattresses and have one bed frame so we won't be sleeping on the floor. It's quite amusing to be starting from scratch and living like college kids in a dorm at this point in our lives, but hey it's Roy and I...what else could it be? The adventure continues.

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