Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mudd and Mayhem

My 6 year old laptop is on its last leg and acting very buggy which is making it difficult to update this blog. I may be forced back to the library and the use of their computers (sigh..) but for now soldier on...

The pocket door frames are installed and floors papered in preparation for : Drywall Time! - the boards are delivered by two crane trucks, lifts marked for the rooms they go to. So far, so good - very organized and professional. The next day the drywallers arrive for what they call the "slam" which is a one day blitz of boarding. 5 guys board the whole house in one day. It looks like a bomb went off, bits and pieces of drywall, glue tubes, pop cans, drywall screws and white dust everywhere.

Touring around the outside I see something odd - what is that? then break up laughing - they boarded over a window with a pop can on the sill - it looks so funny!

When all that dust settles two guys come back and finish the trickier stuff at a more leisurely pace. But decision time again- Yikes! What kind of corners do I want? How are we handling window trim and what kind of doors are going in? What are we doing with the showers? and the finish around the fireplace?...and where the drywall ends at the ridge beam - what about that? Who knew that drywall could be so complicated?

The rooms in the house are starting to take shape and we can get a real feel for the space. The drywallers have been at it a couple of days when the accident happens; a drywall screw misses a stud and of course, doesn't miss the plumbing pipe - water everywhere. Thankfully these pipes are easily repaired and no real damage is done.

Next week: drywalling continues and septic system installation begins!

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