Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 5 - Chilliwack B.C.

I had to lead in with sunny photo's. Yes it does shine in the west occasionally.
Today was the last full day of travel and a challenging one, 740K through the twists and turns of the mountains. We ran the full gamut of weather; sun, cloud, wind, rain and snow. It was freezing in the higher elevations and hot in Osoyoos, the closest thing Canada has to a desert. Driving through the mountains is not for the faint of heart with switchbacks and sickening drop-offs, but the views are spectacular. I took a lot of pictures and will post them separately. More signs below. There are so many & so often that it became humorous and I had to show some of them.

Ok, it didn't snow on us, but we saw it. That counts doesn't it?

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