Saturday, April 3, 2010

Storm Watching

I woke yesterday to the sound of lashing rain and howling wind. The weather channel warned of gusts up to 105 km. All up and down the island there were trees coming down and power outages, some lasting more than 24hrs. At slightly higher elevations, they got snow.
So, what did we do? - Got in the car and drove over to Point Homes to do some storm watching. The picture in no way does the live experience justice. I got out on the windward side of the car and could hardly get the door open to get back in. I thought I was going to be airborn. It was positively wild outside for the whole day and then as evening came on it seemed to have blown over and I got out for a walk around the neighborhood. Lots of debris, branches everywhere, fences and arbors blown over. Nature: it takes your breath away!

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