Thursday, March 11, 2010

Moving Day II

Today the AMJ Campbell moving truck, Highway Howie at the wheel arrived at our storage unit in Coombs. In less than two hours all of our worldly possessions were unloaded into a storage unit 10x10x10'. It has been quite cold here the last couple of days and there was new snow on the mountains this morning, so of course it was cold and the rain pored down as our things were put in storage. I was given the task of checking off the box numbers as they came off the truck and it was so cold my hands were shaking and my feet were numb. Everything was in good order and accounted for. It all went very quickly and I was so busy that I forgot to take pictures. Ian was with me and we pulled a few personal things out to go home with us - our bikes, some boxes of files, some clothes and a few fragile pieces of furniture. The driver and crew were terrific, so all in all the experience was pretty painless. I'm glad it's over with non the less.
I also heard today from our Surveyor and our application for Development Permit is complete!
Woohoo! I will follow-up on Monday and see what our status is. If we can finally get that permit we can at least begin to clear the lot. Fingers crossed.

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