The answers to the "smart enough to live in BC" quiz are below:
While I was trying to answer the first 10 - I received two more "bonus" questions.
My tormentor has checked my answers and I had all but one correct so I get to be a "token" Westerner. I cannot be a true westerner he tells me, until I "hike the West Coast Trail, paddle a boat up a river and catch a fish with my bare hands".
I am in the process of compiling an Easterner list of questions to fire back at Gord. Surely I can create an equally quirky and twisted view of Ontario. Any and all suggestions will be welcomed.
1. What is the "Ogopogo creature" and where does it live? Serpentine lake creature (Nessy cousin) inhabiting lake Okanagan in BC interior
2. What is a Sasqatch? 9' tall ape-like creature with flowing hair AKA Bigfoot
3. What is a marmot and where do they live? Endangered ground-hog like mammals living in colonies in alpine meadows above 1000' meters on Vancouver Island.
4. What poisonous snake lives in the interior? Rattlesnake
5. Where would you find cactus in B.C.? Opuntia (of the prickly pear family) - on Denman and Hornby and in Osoyoos
6. What is a "chilcotin turkey"? Salmon sold door-to-door by the local First Nations peoples
7. Where is Spuzum? Spuzzum (two Zd's) is "beyond Hope" 31 mi to the north.
8. Where is the biggest amateur Rodeo held in BC? Quesnel
9. What is the longest river which starts in BC? Fraser River
10. What is the largest natural lake in BC? Babine or Atlin Lakes - disputed - a tie?
11. What is the largest man-made lake in BC/ Williston Lake
12 Which BC river runs into the Arctic watershed and not the pacific? Peace River