Friday, October 29, 2010

The Roofing Gods

..smiled on us today.
At 8:00 AM sharp, under cloudy skies (but no rain) 3 pick-up trucks full of roofers and equipment converged on us. 15 minutes later the materials arrive and after a quick survey
of the roof - they go to work. First order of business is drying out the sheathing.

They do this by torching it - the heat drying the wood quickly. Takes skill though - linger too long and it's a call to BHBVFD - Roy to put out the fire on his own roof!
Next they roll out the first ply material and torch it as they unroll it - melting it and sealing it to the sheathing.

To finish the first ply they finish the edges, melting and sealing the material up and over the parapet walls. Water will be trapped and forced to exit through the copper scuppers and down the downspout out to the drainage ditch. The melting and sealing process is repeated with the second ply which has a granular finish much like an asphalt shingle.
The roofers complete both ply's on the workshop and carport and start on the house. By day's end they have completed the first ply which makes all of our flat roof water tight. This is huge
for us - maybe things can start to dry out a bit...
The metal roof and metal caps for the parapet walls will not arrive until mid next week - depending on the weather of course....

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