Saturday, March 6, 2010

Am I Smart enough to live in BC?

My cousin Gord (born and raised here) has posed 10 questions that all good British Columbians should know the answers to. Kind of like the test given to people wishing to become Canadians. The questions are listed below and if anyone should happen to have any of the answers - I'd love to hear them. No, it's not cheating (just don't tell Gord).

1. What is the "Ogopogo creature" and where does it live?
2. What is a Sasqatch?
3. What is a marmot and where do they live?
4. What poisonous snake lives in the interior?
5. Where would you find cactus in B.C.?
6. What is a "chilcotin turkey"?
7. Where is Spuzum?
8. Where is the bigest Rodeo held in BC?
9. What is the longest river which starts in BC?
10. What is the largest natural lake in BC?

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with those questions - isn't saqatch big foot?? A monster of some sort that lives in the woods??? I have really no clue and the rest i am no good at either good thing i will be only coming to visit, i will not have to pass that test
